Terayama Kyosuke



ORCID 0000-0001-6955-1335


Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan),
Japan, Miyagi prefecture, Sendai city, Aoba-ku, Kawauchi 41.
Phone: +81227956077
E-mail: kyosuke.terayama.a7@tohoku.ac.jp

1983-1987 Undergraduate student of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University
1987-1993 Post-graduate student in the department of contemporary history of the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
1992-1995 Research scholar at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation).
1996 – Doctor of Letters. Thesis: “Manchurian Incident and the Stalinist Regime: The Threat of the War and the Transformation of the Soviet State and Society at the beginning of 1930’s” (in Japanese) (Kyoto University)

1995-1996 Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan)
1996-2013 Associate Professor at the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
1999 Research Scholar at the Center for Russian and East-European Studies, Birmingham University (United Kingdom)
2013- to present Professor at the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University

• Stalin’s mobilization and railway policies
• Stalin’s Far eastern policies
• Stalin’s policies in the Mongolia and Xinjiang
• History of Japanese-Soviet relations in the Stalin era.

1996 – 1997: research project, “Soviet Union at the beginning of 1930’s – Analysis of domestic and foreign policies before the Great Purge (1933-36)” (Matsushita Foundation, Grant Program)
1997 : research project abroad, “Soviet domestic and foreign policies especially on the Far Eastern Region” (Japan Foundation, Grant program for dispatching specialists to Russian Federation)
1999: research project abroad, “Soviet domestic and foreign policies in the 1930’s” (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant program for dispatching specialists to countries of former Soviet Union)
1999 – 2000: research project, “Soviet Far East in the 1930s” (Inamori Foundation, Grant Program)
2001 – 2003: research project “Transformation of political and social system in Siberia and Mongolia during interwar period” (project manager).(Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) (KAKENHI, Japan)
2004 – 2006: research project “Fundamental Study of Stalin’s policies toward Japan”(project manager)(KAKENHI)
2005 – 2008: research project “General Study of the development of Utopian Thoughts and the way of being in the Northeast Asia”. (KAKENHI)
2007 – 2009: research project “Fundamental Study on the ethnic problems on the Soviet borderland areas and Stalinist governing policies”.(project manager) (KAKENHI)
2009 – 2013: research project “Comparative Study of Chinese and Soviet ethnic policies in the 1920- 1940’s” (KAKENHI)
2015 – 2017: research project “Fundamental Study of the militarization of the Soviet Society during interwar period (project manager) (KAKENHI)
2017 – 2019: research project “Fundamental Study of Stalin’s policies toward Soviet Far Eastern Region”(project manager) (KAKENHI)
2014- 2015: publishing project “Stalin and Xinjiang 1931- 1949”.(Grant of the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)
2016 – 2017: publishing project “Stalin and Mongolia 1931- 1945”. (Grant of the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)

1998 – 2013 – Associate professor at the department of comparative, cultural history, the graduate school of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
2013- 2019 – Professor at the department of comparative, cultural history, the graduate school of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
2019 – to present - collaborative professor at the department of European History, the graduate school of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
two Doctors of Sciences have been trained

1995 – to present - Member of the Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History
2010 – to present - Member of the Association for the Modern and Contemporary History of Northeast Asia.

• Member of the Editorial Board of “Northeast Asian Studies” (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)

Over 100, including those published in Russian Federation.

1. “Manchurian Incident and the USSR”, Acta Slavica Iaponica, t.14, 1996, Sapporo, pp.179-198. (in Russian)
2. “Manchurian Incident ant the Formation of Reserves in the Soviet Union”, Northeast Asian Studies, no.2, 1997, pp.173-198. (in Japanese)
3. “Soviet Far Eastern Railway policies: militarization and the establishment of Political departments (1931-34)”, Seiyo-Shigaku Ronsyu, no.36,1998, pp.1-18.(in Japanese)
4. “The Manchurian Incident and the Soviet reserves policies”, in Kyosuke Terayama ed., Russia and Japan: A historical survey, CNEAS (Tohoku University), 1998, pp.93-100. (in English)
5. “Soviet Policies Toward Mongolia After the Manchuria Incident,1931-1934”,in Tadashi Yoshida & Hiroki Oka eds.,Facets of Transformation in Northeast Asian Countries, Tohoku University, 1998,pp.37-66. (in English)
6. “Soviet mobilization policies in the Soviet Far East: 1931-1934”, Roshia-shi Kenkyu, no.66, 2000, pp.61-82. (in Japanese)
7. “Soviet Far Eastern Railway Policies: BAM and the special corps of Railway troops”, Seiyo-shigaku Ronsyu, no.38, 2000. pp.80-97.(in Japanese)
8. “Soviet Plenipotentiary Representative to Japan, Alexandr Troyanovskii and the Japanese-Soviet relations in 1932”, Northeast Asian Studies, no.5, 2001. pp.67-91.(in Japanese)
9. “Stalin and Manchuria”, Northeast Asian Studies, No.9, 2005, pp.89-110. (in Japanese)
10. “Stalin and the Sale of Chinese Eastern Railway”, Enatsu and et al. eds., New view points on the study of the History of Modern Chinese Northeastern Regions, Yamakawa-publisher, Tokyo, 2005, pp.154-184.(ISBN:4-634-67453-x) (in Japanese)
11. “Secret messengers from Revolutionary Russia in China: Muller, Popov, Vilensky Sibiriakov, Yurin Mission, Polevoi and Stoyanovich”, Early Komintern and East Asia, Fuji publisher, Tokyo, 2007. pp.177-231.(ISBN:978-4-8350-5755-2) (in Japanese)
12. “Ethnic Problems on the Soviet Northwestern borders during interwar period and Stalin’s Policies: Finland and Leningrad, Karelia”, Shirin, t.90 (2007), no.1, pp.147-178.(in Japanese)
13. “Censorship in the Soviet Union”, Matsui Yasuhiro ed., History of twentieth century Russia and the Perspective of Japanese-Russian relations: Front Line of discussions and studies, Kyusyu-University press, 2010, pp.87-108.(ISBN:978-4798500126) (in Japanese)
14. “Soviet Policies toward Mongolia in the 1930s, Manchurian Incident and the increased Intervention by the Soviet Union”, in S.Papkov, K.Terayama eds., Asiatic Russia and neighboring states, Parallel’, Novosibirsk, 2013, pp.138-198. (ISBN 978-5-98901-121-6) (in Russian)
15. “Soviet Policies toward Xinjiang in the 1930s and Japanese factor”, in S.Papkov, K.Terayama eds., Asiatic Russia and neighboring states, Parallel’, Novosibirsk, 2013, pp.222-251.(ISBN 978-5-98901-121-6) (in Russian)
16. “Soviet Policies for the development of Railway network in the Far East in 1930’s: militarization, politotdely, construction of double track” in S.Papkov, K.Terayama eds., Political and Social Aspects of the History of Stalinism. New facts and interpretations, ROSSPEN, Moscow, 2015, pp.50-85.(ISBN 978-5-8243-1947-7) (in Russian).
17. Stalin and Xinjiang: 1931-1949, Shakaihyoronsha co.,ltd, Tokyo, 2015,638p.( ISBN 978-4-7845-1352-9) (in Japanese)
18. Stalin and Mongolia: 1931-1946, Misuzu-shobo, Tokyo, 2017,600p (ISBN 978-4-622-08598-0) (in Japanese)
19. “Soviet Far Eastern Policies in the 1920’s”, Twentieth Century Studies, No.18 (2017), pp.25-57.(in Japanese)
20. “Manchurian Incident and Stalin, Gamarnik”, in Terayama Kyosuke ed., Soviet Far Eastern Policies of Stalin: Reconsidering Northeast Asian History with archive materials, Kokon-Shoin Publisher, Tokyo, 2020, pp.31-68.(ISBN:978-4772253116) (in Japanese)



Дата создания: 03.06.2021 11:00
Дата обновления: 03.06.2021 11:11